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Acquiring Knowledge: Pain Clinics

Chronic pain is an epidemic.

This is not an overstatement considering it affects more than 1.5 billion people worldwide.

The pain is known to disrupt people’s lives so much so that their sleep cycle is affected, energy levels have gone down, and basic activities have become tough to complete.

In situations where the pain becomes unbearable, it would be advisable to visit a pain relief health center for a checkup. There may be a possibility that the pain continues in spite of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following a regular exercise routine.

Let’s talk a little about what pain clinics are, shall we?

A healthcare facility that takes care of the diagnostics and the management of chronic pain in patients is widely known as a pain clinic.

If we wish to further divide pain clinics, it can be said that there are two main types:
  • According to the type of pain
  • Overall examination clinic (interdisciplinary clinic)
At an interdisciplinary clinic, the patients meet with a team of healthcare professionals who will start the diagnosis by taking into consideration various factors related to lifestyle, level of pain, etc. According to the gathered data, these professionals come up with a set of treatments that can be beneficial in more than one way.

The team of professionals, moving forward, would teach the patient more about the kind of pain they suffer from, what might have caused it, and other details, generally include:
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Psychologists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Nutritionists
  • Physical therapists
  • Vocational therapists
  • Dietitians
Experts at pain relief health centers are known for encouraging patients to take up alternative medicine to help them heal faster, along with suggesting changes in lifestyle, and how to deal with the ongoing pain.

What do patients get out of such clinics?

The ultimate goal of any clinic and its doctors would be to provide the patient with pain relief to improve their quality of life. With regular follow-ups and maintaining the routine prescribed by doctors, it is known that the patient can go back to work and live a better life.

Chronic pain is not something that can be fixed within a short span of time. To ensure that their patients regain full function, doctors work slowly and attend to their treatments twice or three times a week (depending on an individual’s condition).

For the most part, finding a pain relief health center should not be tough. Most local hospitals or medical centers have information on such clinics. If that doesn’t work, there might be a pain support group in the vicinity that could be contacted as a start.

What should a patient do at a pain clinic?

Asking tons of questions, no matter how silly they may sound, is a crucial part of becoming a member of the treatments that pain clinics provide. Knowing whether the doctors and the staff are acquainted with the kind of pain bothering the patient is also a question that should be on the list.

Generally, clinics offer multiple kinds of treatments. The patient should gain details about them, so they understand what their best approach toward pain relief is. Even when experts perform exams, details about your condition should be shared without hesitation to ensure the right kind of treatment options are made available.

The various alternative methods for pain relief that pain clinics suggest are:
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Meditation
  • Water therapy
The pain relief health centers are a great option for patients who have been living with chronic pain. Customization is a big part of the routine the clinics follow, because of the variety of pain that is experienced by each individual.

Since the pain can only be felt and not seen, it should not be ignored. Chronic pain can begin to affect people at any age due to multiple reasons, giving rise to most of the common health problems.

Medications are only a small part of pain relief and even then should not be taken without consulting a doctor.

At Kennedy Health Pain Relief & Wellness Center, the experts bring our patients the finest non-invasive therapies along with a comfortable healing environment. We are a pain relief health center in Wilmington that has dedicated itself to improving the health and overall well-being of our patients. Call today to schedule a consultation!


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